Our Service Dog Picture

Our Service: What can TAKE A PAWS Dog Training Melbourne do for you?

Take A Paws Dog Training Melbourne-Our Service can get effective results with a single consultation and dog training session, lasting as long as necessary which is sufficient to solve most issues and keeps your costs down. Additional sessions can be booked if necessary for more severe issues, however, we will discourage it unless absolutely necessary. A session includes hands on correction of any problems your dog is experiencing, plus teaching you all you need about the causes of your dog's behavioural issues, giving you all the tools to deal with any issues you may encounter.

We use understanding of natural DOG behaviour and rehabilitation techniques to balance your dog naturally. We do not use harsh punishment but do use occasional treats and always affection for positive reinforcement. The reward your dog gets for behaving well is desired leadership and affection, which he/she naturally craves.

To put it bluntly, most dog training is actually owner training. Our Service can solve most issues, but you, as the pack leader must be willing to persist in what you are shown. Otherwise, some problems may return in time. Rehabilitation and correction involves a commitment from you to spend time and energy with your beloved pet.

We will address any issues you may have with one or more dogs or puppies at home:

Why your dog is behaving (or misbehaving) as he does?

So your relationship with your dog is not what you hoped for. You expected “happily ever after” and you got “I’m calling my lawyer.” Little Fido pulls you around by the leash and expects you to helphim chase cars. He only comes when he feels like it and when hefinally does, you wag your tail. Who’s in control here?

Cute Puppy on Stool Picture

The cutest and fluffiest little dog is still a canine at heart! Underneath, your dog is not human. Really!

Sad Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy
A dog’s natural needs are met only with leadership on the human's part. When dogs do not get any leadership from their humans, they will naturally fill the void, which leads to issues like: guarding, defensive barking, pulling while walking, etc.
There should be clear leadership where your dog knows his place and appreciates and respects you. When a naturally submissive dog does not have a leader to follow, this can lead to anxiety or misbehaviours. By becoming the leader, it means you and your family alleviate the stress the dog may feel by not knowing his place.

When your dog’s position is not clear, this can lead to unwanted behaviours such as: jumping, barking or digging to biting and worse. Your dog is happy and stable when he/she is fulfilled in various facets of his/her life. When your dog wags his/her tail, we interpret this as happiness. (It may just mean excitability). This does not mean your dog is emotionally stable. We tend to attribute human emotions to our dogs which can lead to bad habits. By you being calm and assertive when needed, your dog will feel calm, which in turn will keep him/her happy and balanced.

From the moment most puppies are brought into our home they are treated by us in ways which confuse them as to their position in our home. When our puppy cries or barks we pet him or pick him up and even go as far as giving him a treat which only reinforces this unwanted behaviour and state of mind. We must give affection only when our dog is in the correct state of mind and earns it.
Once your dog is negatively conditioned, with proper dog training he/she can be rehabilitated to correct his/her mindset in order to have a happy balanced life in YOUR family.

"If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went" -Will Rogers

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